Here is link to some of my photos from my FaceBook page.

(My old photos)


The old Brock homeplace in

Saylor's Hollow.


My uncles (left to right); Arnold, Tom,

Boyd, Kale & John jr.


 My dad Henry with his brothers

and his sister Brenda.

My dad Henry is on the left of the

little girl. She is my aunt Brenda &

the rest are my dad's brothers.

(John & Martha's Children) 

My uncle Alfred on the right &

Bill Helton.

1983 AD & Vestina (My grandpa John's

half brother.) 

My uncle Walter & aunt Sharon. 

My uncle Alfred and Mary when they

first started dating. 

My grandma Martha's mom. Amy

Bingham Baker. (This would be my

great grandma.)

My grandpa John Saylor & his sons (left to right) John jr., Tommy & Tom. 

 My great grandpa Henry Clay Saylor

       & Sarah Jane Brock Saylor

My grandpa John, great grandpa

Henry Clay and great, great grandpa

John Henry & wife Mary Jane.

My grandma Martha in the middle

& her daughter Brenda & Brenda's


My mom Geneva & my uncles Tom &

Alfred (holding me) & on the far left is

 my grandpa John. My cousins Benny (bottom left) & Lylia (bottom right)

Tommy by Alfred & I think my mom is holding my sister Debbie. (Taken in Chicago) 

My grandma & grandpa; Martha &

John (Frosty) Saylor. 

   1986 My grandpa's half brother Kale Saylor & Ada. 

 My great, great, great

grandma Elizabeth

 Helton Knuckles (Saylor).

My grandpa

John Saylor.


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