Welcome To This Page.  Here are some really good sights and they also have songs on the pages

to download.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.  Don't forget to sign their guest-books and let them know how much you enjoy their sights. You can click on their sights right from this page.   God bless!!!



 www.clarkstonholinesschurch.com     Tim & Tammy Charles and Connie &  Mike Galvin go to this church.  Look for their songs on this sight.  They are free to download.


      www.falllickpentecostal.org      Just click on "music" when you get into their sight.  They have some great songs to download.


     www.wheretheressmoke.org     This is Linda Johnson's (Gibson's) web-sight.  Go into  "the memorial for Kathleen Gibson" to get some good songs to download.  She also has one called "Funeral Plans." 

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